2010年11月7日 星期日

2010 COREL Digital Art Competition

This is my piece named "Sacrificed Evolution" that won the competition on COREL Asia-Pacific, Digital Art Competition 2010, and get the Grand Prize. The theme of this piece is about the "Metal beauty" so i would mixed the elements between elegant and complex. After this honorary award, i really thanks to my parent, Teresa, brother, tutor, and friend etc. The following are links that showed the Corel official web. Let's share.
Corel official web
The tutorial of piece

2010年10月2日 星期六

“Shining Castle” was selected as one of pages of “EXOTIQUE 6” illustration book

I got an good news before, Ballistic Publishing choose my piece on an illustration book named “EXOTIQUE 6”. This message give me encourage on my CG journey and I would keep my heart to attend more cg competitions or gathering. Thanks anybody who supports me. Especially thanks Eddy Hui, he teach me a lot on my thinking of the creative future.

ps: thanks Paul

2010年5月2日 星期日


The instruction of military

"When there is a pursuer, just escape by everyway"

Good luck

With process~